My not so baby boy.

It’s been a long glorious weekend. We had a SNOW DAY! Y’all, it’s been 2 years since we had snow and my kids were so thrilled. They spent all day yesterday playing in it with the neighborhood kids. Back and forth they went into and out of the house with soggy jackets and soaking boots. My dryer was working over time trying to keep up. After all the action outside, we settled in with a fire and a movie. It was a perfect day.

However…today the snow melted away this morning before they could enjoy it again. I didn’t take any pictures during the snow day. BUT I did take some sweet shots of my boy who melts my heart just about everyday. He loves to build with Legos, pretend to shoot guns, play fight and just about every other boy stereotype there is.


This boy is sweet, loving, kind, thoughtful, happy, athletic, joyful, inquisitive, curious, so very curious. He asks the tough questions. Sometimes, I just don’t know how to answer. He wipes his nose on his shirt, runs fast and loves his sisters. I hadn’t planned on this child, and I my mouth dropped open when I was pregnant and found out he was a boy, but he has been one of the greatest blessings in my entire life.

Incredibly grateful for this beautiful soul that entered our lives.

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